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Iyengar Yoga has been found to bring about significant reductions in measures of anxiety, depression and disruption at work due to emotional and physical issues.
Connect and teach yourself to listen to your body. Classes are structured to realign the bones and keep muscles and joints flexible and lubricated. Slow the mind down whilst you strengthen, stretch and de-stress yourself within your own limits, creating new energy for focus and clarity.
Yoga can improve your health and make your body stronger and more flexible right through all ages and to anyone with injuries.
Private Sessions
By appointment. You will be guided through a private yoga session one on one or with your partner/friends, given advice on how to work in the postures and with the breath, and deepen your understanding of yoga.
You will be provided with a personal home practice that suits your growth on all levels.
Official Website of Yogacharya BKS Iyengar
BKS Iyengar Yoga Association of Australia
Iyengar Yoga Teachers Directory
Class Times:
Please call before the first class.
Mondays: Beginners/General 6.00 pm - 7.30pm
Tuesdays: Beginners/General 6.00 am - 7.30am
Thursdays: Beginners/General 6.00pm - 7.30pm
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